ACryptoS is a versatile financial product. The main three products are Vault Vault, Farm Farm and Stablecoin Dex.Assets stored in Vault can be increased, and the corresponding field can be selected through Farm and the corresponding return rate can be improved. Dex is an automatic market maker (AMM) protocol based on the algorithm specially designed for stabocoin by Curve. ACryptoS offers the first stablecoin AMM based on this algorithm on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
ACryptoS is a versatile financial product. The main three products are Vault Vault, Farm Farm and Stablecoin Dex.Assets stored in Vault can be increased, and the corresponding field can be selected through Farm and the corresponding return rate can be improved. Dex is an automatic market maker (AMM) protocol based on the algorithm specially designed for stabocoin by Curve. ACryptoS offers the first stablecoin AMM based on this algorithm on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).